Depois de tomar o pequeno almoço fomos logo para a empresa pois já estava na hora.
Lituano: Mes prabudau 07:00, apipiltas ir išsiunčiama man eiti padėti Paulo padaryti sumuštiniai pietums, o po to mes nuėjome į pusryčius mes galime rinktis tarp skrudinta duona ir grūdų, taip pat turėjo nutela ir bandelė.
Po to, kai pusryčiai nuėjome tiesiai į įmonę, nes tai buvo laikas.

A nossa empresa
Lituano: Mūsų įmonė
Lituano: Mūsų įmonė
Na empresa estivemos a ter uma aula sobre uns Robôs (EV3)
Lituano: Bendrovė buvo priimti dėl Robotai (EV3) klasė
Lituano: Bendrovė buvo priimti dėl Robotai (EV3) klasė

Estivemos a fazer um combate com os robôs que construímos e programámos.
Saímos às 15:00h e ainda tivemos 45 minutos de almoço.
Lituano: Mes jau daro kovą su robotais statome ir jau užprogramuotas.
Mes palikome ne 15:00, ir mes vis dar turėjo 45 minučių pietų.
Depois de almoço fomos dar uma volta pela parte de baixo da cidade, a parte mais movimentada e vimos uma coisa que ainda não tínhamos visto.
Lituano: Po pietų ėjome už nugaros aplink apačioje miesto judriausių ir dalis pamatėme tai, ką mes dar matė.

Um restaurante/bar no céu
Lituano: Restoranas / baras danguje
Lituano: Restoranas / baras danguje
Depois disto fomos ao hostel ter com os restantes para irmos para o restaurante comer, às 19:30 estávamos lá e agora vou mostrar fotos do nosso jantar.
Lituano: Po to nuvykome į nakvynės namus turi eiti su kita į restoraną valgyti, mes buvome ten 19:30 ir dabar aš jums parodysiu nuotraukas mūsų vakarienė.
Lituano: Po to nuvykome į nakvynės namus turi eiti su kita į restoraną valgyti, mes buvome ten 19:30 ir dabar aš jums parodysiu nuotraukas mūsų vakarienė.

Depois do jantar fomos a um jardim onde tem lá um restaurante com uma esplanada onde fomos beber uma cerveja.
Lituano: Po vakarienės nuėjome į sodą, kur yra restoranas su terasa, kur mes gėrė alų.

Depois disto viemos para casa com tempo porque amanhã é dia de trabalho.
Até amanhã!
Lituano: Po to grįžo namo su laiku, nes rytoj darbo diena.
Pasimatysime rytoj!
We woke up at 7:00, showered and dispatched me to go help Paul to make sandwiches for lunch and after that we went to breakfast we could choose between toast and cereal and also had nutela and bun.
After taking breakfast we went straight to the company because it was time.
The company were to take a class on a Robots (EV3)
We've been doing a fight with the robots we build and have programmed.
We left at 15:00 and we still had 45 minutes lunch.
After lunch we went for a spin around the bottom of the city's busiest and the part we saw something we had not yet seen.
After this we went to the hostel to have to go with the other to the restaurant to eat, we were there at 19:30 and now I will show photos of our dinner.
After dinner we went to a garden where there is a restaurant with a terrace where we were drinking a beer.
After that we came home with time because tomorrow is work day.
See you tomorrow!
Lituano: Po to grįžo namo su laiku, nes rytoj darbo diena.
Pasimatysime rytoj!
We woke up at 7:00, showered and dispatched me to go help Paul to make sandwiches for lunch and after that we went to breakfast we could choose between toast and cereal and also had nutela and bun.
After taking breakfast we went straight to the company because it was time.
The company were to take a class on a Robots (EV3)
We've been doing a fight with the robots we build and have programmed.
We left at 15:00 and we still had 45 minutes lunch.
After lunch we went for a spin around the bottom of the city's busiest and the part we saw something we had not yet seen.
After this we went to the hostel to have to go with the other to the restaurant to eat, we were there at 19:30 and now I will show photos of our dinner.
After dinner we went to a garden where there is a restaurant with a terrace where we were drinking a beer.
After that we came home with time because tomorrow is work day.
See you tomorrow!
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