Tivemos também a oportunidade de conhecer pessoas novas e outro país, com uma cultura diferente.
Trabalhámos numa empresa não muito comum em Portugal, trabalhámos com robôs, que é algo que provavelmente nunca mais vamos tocar na nossa vida.
Foi uma experiência muito boa, que nos ajudou a crescer como pessoas, tornou-nos mais adultos.
Quero agradecer aos professores Paulo Ribeiro e Duarte Duarte por nos guiarem nesta experiência de vida e quero agradecer também à empresa, Baltic Orbis, por nos ter aceitado de tão boa vontade e simpatia.
Obrigado também a quem nos apoiou todas as 3 semanas que lá estivemos.
In this training we were able to evolve psychologically and professionaly, we had to be able to run our life by ourselves and with our own money, with our own schedules, our time and our work. With this training we evolved professionally because we learn new things, we work with stuff that we have never seen before .
We had the chance to work in a robotic company, one of the best. We met people from other country, we made friends, we got to know another culture. It was a very good experience, that helped us growing like human beings. I want to thank to teacher Paulo Ribeiro and Duarte Duarte to lead us on this training, on this life experience, and I want to thank to Baltic Orbis too to let us work there for 3 weaks.
In this training we were able to evolve psychologically and professionaly, we had to be able to run our life by ourselves and with our own money, with our own schedules, our time and our work. With this training we evolved professionally because we learn new things, we work with stuff that we have never seen before .
We had the chance to work in a robotic company, one of the best. We met people from other country, we made friends, we got to know another culture. It was a very good experience, that helped us growing like human beings. I want to thank to teacher Paulo Ribeiro and Duarte Duarte to lead us on this training, on this life experience, and I want to thank to Baltic Orbis too to let us work there for 3 weaks.
Lituano: Šiuo metu už mūsų šalyje, mes, studentai, sugebėjo vystytis
psichologiškai ir profesionaliai, nes šiame etape mes turėjo gebėti valdyti
savo pačių gyvenimus, mes turėjome valdyti savo pinigus, savo tvarkaraščius,
mūsų laisvalaikį ir dirbti. Su šį nuostabų etape taip pat vystosi
profesionaliai, kaip jau minėjau. Mes išmokti naujų dalykų, dalykų, aš niekada
dirbo su dirbo, arba netgi matė mano gyvenime ...
Mes taip pat turėjo galimybę susitikti su naujais žmonėmis
ir kitą šalį su kita kultūra.
Mes dirbo bendrovėje nėra labai dažnas Portugalijoje dirbo
su robotais, kuris yra kažkas, kad tikriausiai nebus kada žaisti mūsų gyvenime.
Tai buvo labai gera patirtis, kuri padėjo mums augti, nes
žmonės vis labiau suaugusiems.
Noriu padėkoti mokytojai ir Paulo Ribeiro Duarte Duarte
reguliuojant mums šio gyvenimo patirties, ir aš taip pat noriu padėkoti
bendrovei, Baltijos Orbis, už tai, kad sutiko taip noriai ir užuojautą.
Ačiū ir
tiems, kurie mus palaikė, kas 3 savaites mes buvome ten.
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